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The following document contains multiple anomalies, all beneficial to maintaining currently enclosed anomalies. Any and all access to these files is monitored and logged.
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rating: +4+x

Photo of Satellite-███ "Ares"

Item ID: AEP-000

Hazard Level: ANOM-X

Enclosure Designation: Epsilon

Adaptive Enclosure Procedures:
AEP-000 is enclosed onboard the "Ares" Satellite ███ in low-earth orbit. The entrance to AEP-000 is permanently guarded by A.R.T. ████████-VIII. The anomaly is highly classified, and entrance is restricted to Division V and specific Division IV Personnel. Due to the peculiar nature of the anomaly, the enclosure cell is surrounded by eight Reality-Verification Spheres to stabilize the pocket dimension. In the case of an Enclosure Malfunction, all eight Reality-Verification Spheres are to be disabled, effectively destabilizing the portal, locking the enclosed anomalies on Titan. If this precaution fails, Satellite-███ is required to alter its trajectory towards the sun, effectively destroying the exit and entrance to AEP-000. The Site-00 nuclear protocol will engage if the entrance is destabilized for more than 2 hours.

AEP-000 is a highly-classified "Epsilon" anomaly, discovered by AEP scientists in the early 1900's. AEP-000 was first seen during an experimental test-run of the Langley ███████-Emitting Device, and was discovered to be the moon of Titan. Usable build surface is approximately 150x157 km. Due to unknown factors, the anomalous moon's atmosphere is nearly identical to Earth's, allowing all Personnel to breathe. As of █/██/████, the G5 Council approved the idea of creating an entire AEP Site inside of AEP-000.

Due to recent Enclosure Breaches at the time of discovery, G5-██ suggested using AEP-000 to contain Noctis-grade and some Meridien-grade anomalous objects. This notion was voted on, and accepted by G5 Command. AEP-000 now contains some of the most difficult to contain and dangerous anomalies that exist.

AEP-000 is only accessible by entering the large steel door embedded into the Langley ███████-Emitting Device. Extremely powerful telescopes reveal that the Titan in our dimension has no traces of a Site on its surface. The entrance to Titan will close when unstable, but is recoverable upon stabilizing with Reality-Verification Spheres. This allows it to be easily disabled if need be.

Immediately after the stabilization of AEP-000, four ART volunteers designated as Association Recovery Team Psi-IV entered the dimensional rift. (See Log-0.02(███-██)) No O-Class Personnel were involved in the exploration of AEP-000.

Several Class-Z workers were brought in to construct Site-00, and it was completed on ██/██/19██. All Class-Z personnel were amnesticized and released, with $100,000 for their services.

Dr. Langley's Notes: On ██/██/20██, there was a Grade-XI Enclosure Breach at Site-00, forcing the nuclear protocols to be enacted. The Site was leveled completely, with almost all enclosed anomalies neutralized. The remaining anomalies, including AEP-███, and AEP-██, were required and enclosed.

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